PBX Singapore

e-Claim Management System

Experience a paperless claim process with our Singapore E-Claim Management System. Employees can easily submit claims by snapping photos of receipts through the mobile app. HR can set claim limits and approval requirements for different employee types and departments. Our system reduces operational costs and minimizes human error, ensuring efficient and accurate claim management.

Key Features of E-Claim Management

We offer everything you need to manage your company’s claim progress.

Snap Photos of Attachment

Our system allows employees to snap photo of the receipts while apply claims using mobile app, or even upload related file using website portal.

Customizable Claim Categories

Our e-claim system allows businesses to define and customize claim categories based on their specific expense policies and reimbursement guidelines.

Self Service Portal

Claims can be submitted through the website or mobile app by entering the amount and selecting the claim type. The assigned supervisor will receive an email to review and approve the request.

Comprehensive Reports

Our e-claim system offer robust reporting and analytics, offering insights into expense patterns, cost centers, reimbursement trends, and other key metrics.

Paperless Claim Submission

Our system offers an easy-to-use online interface for expense claims. Employees can scan and attach receipts, tolls, and payment proofs, eliminating manual paperwork and streamlining the approval process.

Real-Time Expense Tracking

Our system provides real-time visibility into employee expenses, enabling business owners to monitor spending, identify trends, and make informed financial decisions.

Flexible Claim Settings

Our system lets companies customize claim categories according to their policy and reimbursement guidelines.

Policy Compliance Checks

Our system automatically verifies that submitted claims adhere to company policies, including allowable amounts, eligible expense types, and required documentation.

Multilevel Approval Set

This feature allows HR admin to set up where just either one approver’s approval is enough, or it require multiple approvers to approve the application. You can even combine both options for application approval flow.

Workflow Automation

Our system automates the claim approval process by routing claims to the appropriate managers or supervisors for review and approval. This ensures efficient processing and reduces the administrative burden.

Paperless, Convenient and Easy Online Claim Submission

Our E-Claim Management System simplifies the claims process by allowing employees to take photos of receipts and attach them to their submissions via our app or web portal.

Submit Claims Using Our Mobile App

Ready to Switch to Our E-Claim Management System?

Contact us now for FREE Demo & FREE Trial!